DNA for gunillalarborn…
She will never be the beautiful Flower on the Wall Paper….
there is more: Dig in and get dirty..
can her creativeness be boiled down into a powerful Boullion Cube?
if possible there are only a few words left:
- Curiosity
- Unpredictability
- Life-affirming
Stability = Change!
Change seems to be the only stability in our World Movement is expected - all the time, even to keep one´s position today. Change-Immunity is seen as Illness, awful Crises are the best Eye-openers…only Chrises move People, or...
her Creativity will move "helter-skelter" develop after Desire and Need, and as long as it gives Rock´n´Roll in everyday Life… and preferably wearing Lipstick …. Her earlier career as Sociologist and partner in the consulting industry, is published in the book “Ledelseskonsultation - med tillid og kant”, ISBN 978-87-629-0412-5, in Danish.

Vision: Crazy enough to ReMake the World
Life-expectations always larger than Life-experiences
- or as colleagues have said: Kindergarten on speed…
- or work with small things in a great way
- or “weave my little Basket” with dignity
Why create?
CMart = Change Management Art!!!
Gunilla wants to be curious, live authentically, passionately with Love and hard Work…
she has no ambition to form a new career.
But a creative Way to live dedicatedly and productively with art-processes,
absolutely not a new CV-race…
She goes for Rock´n´Roll in ordinary Life!!!
Unfold the internal Rebel
and Impatience perhaps in Opposition
And always dreaming about moving the whole World,
in a better direction…
Hard work!
The only Way is all the Way!
genuine or speculation? here is both idealism and business all the time with the deep Lust for Life, her Art shall include Energy, Drive, Enthusiasm, Sex, Love, Anger, Rebellion and Provocation, and always with a quivering nerve behind… She is burning - all the Time. Life is here and NOW. Colour is the Means of Communication! The “Pippi Långstrump” inside gunilla will call this for “hittapåsamhet” or inventiveness, and something with 10% inspiration and 90% hard work. Her slogan TIME = LIFE is aways burning through, the way we use our Time - is our Life… She has always said:Life is Moments!!!
- impressive Moments make Life! the World is full of Moments, inspirations, the greatest Artist of them all - Picasso - enjoying all my Respect… a continous source of inspiration. And the norwegian Professor of Philosophy Arne Naess, what a Genius!!! He has inspired gunilla to be “Possibilist” and a playing Child. Think about this: Up till his death in the ´90s, he used his Doll Timotei to discuss with and “gå på Fjeldet med”, go hiking in the Mountains. Women with the Courage to dye their hair pink or just the Passion for the Colour pink and Glimmer, enjoy my full Admiration…This is a little Tab of Reality, seen through a Swedish Temperament